Our Work

Customers, Partners, & Case Studies


DOMA’s effective pricing, efficient project management, agile development of software and services, and success in meeting federal agency needs provide the necessary agility to support agency digital transformation goals.

The Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA)

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform


The Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) implemented the Private Medical Records (PMR) Retrieval Program to improve timelines for the receipt of medical records in support of Veterans, or Dependents of Veterans’ claims for disability benefits. DOMA has delivered a significant cost savings and reduced the time to complete a claim from 40 days to just 12 days or less.
Case Study

US Army

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform

US Department of the Army

DOMA provides remote professional coding and auditing for outpatient clinical records, the emergency department, ambulatory procedure visits, and inpatient professional service rounds.

US Navy

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform

US Department of the Navy

DOMA provides program management, subject matter expertise, and technical support to the Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center.

US Coast Guard

DOMA Engage Platform

The US Coast Guard

DOMA's DX Software platform was deployed to streamline the tracking and reporting of maritime vessel safety and incident reports, quality inspections, and field agent queries.

US Department of Defense (DOD)

Digitization | Cloud | DOMA Engage Platform

US Department of Defense

DOMA's DX software platform is used by the Department of Defense to facilitate the centralized retrieval, assembly, and transmission of over 125 different forms.

US Department of Homeland Security

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform

US Department of Homeland Security

As a result of Homeland Security’s law enforcement activities, special agents seize or detain a wide variety of documents and media. These seized and detained materials are scanned, digitally imaged, processed for optical character recognition, and physically and/or electronically Bates stamped by DOMA.
Case Study

Department of the Interior (DOI)

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform

DOI Bureau of Reclamation

DOMA’s digitization efforts include records transportation, document preparation, record imaging, and indexing of multiple media types including standard bond legal and letter-sized paper, brittle/fragile paper, engineering drawings, microfilm/microfiche, aperture cards and more.

Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

DOMA Engage Platform

Trasportation Security Administration

DOMA provides TSA with the design, development, and 24/7 operations of a Document Management Information System supporting several platforms and programs. The effort includes program management, application development, cyber security, data management, system administration, training, and help desk support.


DOMA offers targeted medical records solutions that help make medical data more accessible, secure, and actionable.

Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters

Digitization | Cloud | DOMA Engage Platform

Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters

CHKD was faced with a large volume of backfile paper medical records. This resulted in an inefficient Release of Information (ROI) operation. DOMA was able to help CHKD transition away from microfilm to a cloud based solution that allows CHKD employees instant, secure access to internal documents and patient records.
Case Study

Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS)

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform


Eastern Virginia Medical School is an academic health center dedicated to achieving excellence in medical and health professions education, research, and patient care. DOMA has helped EVMS streamline internal operations with our cloud-based software platform. Additionally, we have helped them solve challenges with records storage by digitizing their legacy records.
Case Study

LifeNet Health

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform

LifeNet Health

DOMA provides LifeNet with scanning and records management through our DOMA DX Platform. Improved access has streamlined many processes at LifeNet.

Sentara Healthcare

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform

Sentara Healthcare

Among other records, DOMA scans Sentara's organ donor cards. This helps organize and streamline the process of connecting organs with the appropriate transplant recipients.

St. Joseph Medical Center - Medical Group

DOMA Engage Platform

St. Joseph Medical Center - Medical Group

DOMA provides ongoing records scanning for St. Jospeh Medical Center's records administration offices as well multiple medical centers across the organization.

Virginia Dept. of Health Professions (VDHP)

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform

Virginia Dept. of Health Professions (VDHP)

DOMA has supported the VDHP board of nursing by digitizing all types of media including paper, microfilm, microfiche. After conversion DOMA provided easy, digital access using our DX engage platform.


DOMA has considerable experience delivering state/local government and education solutions that streamline citizen services and free up warehouses of space with OCR records digitzation.

Wayne RESA

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform

Wayne RESA

DOMA is partnering with Wayne RESA, Michigan’s largest school district, on a critical modernization project. DOMA will be helping Wayne RESA transition from an outdated, legacy system to cloud-based document management and automation.
Case Study

Newport News Shipbuilding

Digitization | Cloud | Data Now Services

Newport News Shipbuilding

DOMA has helped to quickly transition NNS to a more sustainable document management strategy. When faced with a crisis, time counts, and DOMA’s tried and tested solutions allowed for a smooth conversion process that helped NNS continue to run smoothly even when faced with nationwide shutdowns.
Case Study

Dominion Energy

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform

Dominion Energy

DOMA performs secure records digitization for Dominion Energy divisions in the mid-Atlantic, Southeast, and West regions. A wide variety of records collections are processed, from institutional memory and historical records, photographs, and documents to digitalization of operational documentation to federal regulatory agency compliant secure handling and processing of sensitive material.

City of Port St. Lucie


City of Port St. Lucie

DOMA provided a a complimentary cloud migration assessment. Based on those findings, DOMA migrated a PSL SQL-based application to Amazon’s Relational Database Service (RDS). RDS provides cost-efficient and resizable capacity while automating time-consuming administration tasks such as hardware provisioning, database setup, patching, and backups.
Case Study

Newport News City Public Schools

Digitization | Data Now Services

Newport News City Public Schools

Newport News Public Schools needed a cohesive plan for converting a large volume of paper records into digital format. DOMA deployed a unified strategy across 5 departments for consistent backfile scanning. The newly converted records were made accessible in the Cloud through the DOMA DX Software platform.
Case Study

City of Portsmouth

Digitization | Cloud | DOMA Engage Platform

City of Portsmouth

This growing waterfront city now has over 97,000 residents & 2,900 employees working across 36 departments. The historic city of Portsmouth was facing a monumental challenge navigating a massive archive of paper documents. DOMA implemented a document digitization process for the city's large backfile conversion enterprise wide as well as a migration from the Laserfiche platform.
Case Study

City of Virginia Beach

Digitization | Data Now Services | DOMA Engage Platform

City of Virginia Beach

DOMA provides backfile conversion and day forward software services to simplify the workflow of multiple departments within the Virginia Beach city government. DOMA primarily supports the Health and Human Services Department.
Case Study

Carasoft - Metropolitan Police Dept.

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform

Carasoft- Metropolitan Police Dept.

As a sub to Carahsoft, DOMA is securely performing work on two projects for the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD). Employees working on the project are cleared by DC Metro to digitize gallery cards and arrest records. For Gallery Cards we are scanning and indexing 5 primary fields. For arrest records we are prepping, scanning, and indexing 6 fields. Files are uploaded to the DOMA DX Software Platform. All files will be exported as searchable PDFs to the MPD Data Lake Application upon project completion.

State of Nevada

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform

State of Nevada

DOMA provides it's DX Software platform paired with scanning services to help the DWSS manage its records. Our cloud-based software platform integrated easily into the IBM's FilNet System ensuring minimal interruption to DWSS' workflow.

Norfolk State University (NSU)

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform

Norfolk State University (NSU)

DOMA helped NSU with a unique archive digitization. This project required special handling of old, fragile documentation from their collection including letters dating back from the civil war. Using specialized handling techniques and machines over one million images were made accessible through our DX engage software.

Virginia Peninsula Community College

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform

Virginia Peninsula Community College

Virginia Peninsula Community College is a two-year college located in Virginia. It has two campuses – one located in Hampton, and the other in James City County near Williamsburg. It also has two education centers The Southeast Higher Education Center in Newport News and the Williamsburg Discovery Center in Williamsburg.

Virginia Dept. of Transportation (VDOT)

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform | API

Virginia Dept. of Transportation (VDOT)

DOMA assisted VDOT with the conversion of approximately 100,000 large format drawings and around 1000 bankers boxes of residency files for the western part of the state of Virginia. In addition to scanning DOMA provided records access and an API to push data to their in-house platform.

Old Dominion University (ODU)

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform

Old Dominion University (ODU)

DOMA helped digitize their bound thesis collection. A large collection of bound books were unbound and converted into over one million images. After digitization DOMA made them available through their public portal.

York County

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform

York County

DOMA has assisted the York county HR department, Fire Department, City Attorney, Planning Department, Zoning, and Public Works. We work holistically to provide digitization and document access across the entire county.

Virginia Resources Authority (VRA)

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform

Virginia Resources Authority (VRA)

DOMA has helped the VRA improve their information access by converting all of their loan documents spanning the state of Virginia. This conversion included over 2.5 million images. After making the documents available online via our DX engage platform the VRA now uploads digital documents directly to DX.

City of Waynesboro


City of Waynesboro

DOMA provides digitization for the city of Waynesboro planning division. Specifically, DOMA offers specialized conversion of large format drawings.


Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform


DOMA began working with Huntsville after winning a competitive RFP. Today we provide our DX engage software as an electronic content management platform for their HR department. Moving forward our solution will be scaled across multiple different divisions.

Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA)


Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA)

VHDA's voucher program includes 32 different regional offices across the state of Virginia. DOMA has supported the VHDA with this project by digitizing over 7 million images.


Our commercial customers know that the Cloud is key to remaining agile in the face of change. We are focused on helping organizations from a wide range of industries remain compliant and competitive. ​

Haynes Furniture

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform

Haynes Furniture

Family-owned and operated for four generations, Haynes Furniture has evolved through entrepreneurial innovation and a commitment to the people of Virginia.
Case Study

Tidewater Finance Company

Digitization | Cloud | DOMA Engage Platform

Tidewater Finance Company

Tidewater Finance Company had data and documents in 7+ different repositories with no ability to do a federated search. Today 6 departments within Tidewater Finance utilize DOMA’s technology. Tidewater Finance is now able to search across all customer content, in a matter of seconds. infrastructure.
Case Study


Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform


KForce needed a system to effectively manage over 3,000 personnel files. With no software solution in place, they had no straightforward method of accessing any records already in a digital format. DOMA’s secure document scanning process helped KForce to immediately convert their records into an accessible, indexed format.
Case Study

Towne Bank

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform

Towne Bank

Towne Bank offers a full array of financial services from the oceanfront of Virginia Beach, to the Outer Banks of North Carolina, to Williamsburg, Richmond, and Central Virginia. With 41 banking offices and $11.16 billion in assets, Towne Bank has become one of the largest banks headquartered in Virginia.

Norfolk Southern

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform

Norfolk Southern

The Norfolk Southern Railway is a Class I freight railroad in the United States. With headquarters in Norfolk, Virginia, the company operates 19,420 miles (31,250 km) route miles in 22 eastern states, the District of Columbia, and has rights in Canada.

Eggleston Services

DOMA Engage Platform

Eggleston Services

For 62 years Eggleston has provided education, training, and employment for persons with disabilities within the Hampton Roads community. Eggleston has collaborated with DOMA Technologies for over 5 years to give customers immediate access to their records using secure cloud storage technology

MGM Resorts International

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform

MGM Resorts International

MGM Resorts International is an American global hospitality and entertainment company operating destination resorts in Las Vegas, Detroit, Mississippi, Maryland, and New Jersey, including Bellagio, Mandalay Bay, MGM Grand, and The Mirage.

Science Applications International Corperation (SAIC)

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform


As a sub to SAIC, DOMA is securely digitizing microfiche, microfilm, and aperture cards for FERC HQ. The microfiche cards DOMA digitizes contain up to 270 images per card and the microfilm reels have an average of 3,600 images per reel. All microfilm is rotated to the correct orientation and “mirrored” images are repaired. DOMA then exports from DX and uploads to the customer’s SharePoint site, converting to PDF upon export.

Day & Zimmerman

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform

Day & Zimmerman

DOMA has helped Day & Zimmermann digitize over 10 million images following NIRMA (Nuclear Information and Records Management Association) guidelines. DOMA began this project with Day & Zimmermann after winning a competitive bid to digitize their contractor records.

Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII) - Ingalls Shipbuilding

DOMA Engage Platform

HII- Ingalls Shipbuilding

DOMA provides the DX Engage platform for the HII Ingalls Shipbuilding HR department. They now use DX Engage as their document management solution.

Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII) - Mission Technologies

Digitization | DOMA Engage Platform

HII- Mission Technologies

This national project for Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII) includes the digitization of millions of images. After DOMA completed conversion they began leveraging our DX Engage technology across around 20 different locations across the country. Day forward HII will be adding documents on their end to simplify their HR workflows.

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